Last Minute Breaks - Up to 40% off + up to 10% extra NHS discount
Grab these fantastic last minute deals before they're gone
Self-catering UK holidays. Holiday parks, lodges & boating holidays
- Find amazing discounts and deals on hundreds of last minute holidays with Hoseasons
- Award-winning customer service
- Accommodation selected and inspected by experts
- 95% of holidaymakers would book again (source: Reevoo)
- Lowest price guarantee
With nearly 20,000 fantastic places to stay in coastal, city, countryside and waterbound settings throughout Britain and Europe, Hoseasons is the UK's leading self-catering holiday specialist. Click the link for more Hoseasons discounts
A selection of properties in the UK, save up to an extra 10% (up to 40% in total) per property for all night stays, arrivals for the next four weeks including booking fee. The discount applies to the accommodation price only. Depending on popularity we can withdraw or extend all offers. All offers valid on new bookings only. Subject to availability. Booking Conditions apply.